To view information about your benefits Log into YOUR PENSION
Choose your Scheme and membership type to view the content most relevant to you:

If you're not sure of your membership

If you joined Lloyds Banking Group after 1 July 2010, you’ll have been automatically enrolled in Your Tomorrow.

If you’re still unsure, or if you’re a dependant or representative who needs to get in touch, contact WTW (the scheme administrator) at 01737 227 522.


Transfers out

If you leave the Scheme but don’t want to leave your benefits with us as a deferred pension, you may be able to transfer your pension savings to another scheme. If you decide to do this, we’ll calculate how much your pension is worth. This is your transfer value, which will be paid over to your new pension provider.

It’s important to check the benefits your new provider will give you, as they won’t be the same as the benefits you currently have in the Scheme.

If you’d like more details, please contact your Scheme administrator.

Pension scams

Pension scams are an ever-growing problem for savers. Scammers will often contact you out of the blue with offers to 'liberate' your savings by transferring them into another scheme that allows you to access your money ahead of the earliest possible retirement age, which is 55 (age 57 from 6 April 2028) for most people.

If you're contacted by one of these scammers, it's important that you don't give them any authorisation to transfer your benefits. Not only will you lose your money, but you may also end up with a hefty tax bill.

Find out more in Pensions talk or in The Pensions Regulator's booklet Scammed out of his retirement.


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